White Cloud House #523

Holiday home
White Cloud House #523, Breckenridge, 80424, USA
Holiday home White Cloud House #523
1. (communications_dish) 2. (playground) 3. (picnic_table) 4. (monument) 5. (mineshaft) 6. Little Mountain (peak) 7. Carter Park Sled Hill (park) 8. (tower) 9. Overlook Athletic Club Heliport (helipad) 10. BM 9843 ft (survey_point) 11. Hunter Mine (quarry) 12. (water_tower) 13. Breckenridge Resort (sports_centre) 14. Country Boy Mine (mine) 15. Country Boy adit #1 (mine_adit)
Hotel in social media

1. Re @POTUS Are you kidding me? What growth? Go to Walmart or any market and see the prices,
Obviously you don't go to any market because we buy to you with our taxes all you need in the white house. The inflation is on the clouds. The gas prices too. Source

2. Before we see mushroom clouds, would someone please explain the WORST thing Russia ever did to us? Canada, while it was British, burned the White House; Israel bombed the US Library; and America nuked Japan twice. Yet we can get along with them. Ukraine is not a part the USA. Source