The Osprey

Holiday home
Bend, 97702, USA
Holiday home The Osprey
1. (water_tower) 2. (flagpole) 3. Snap Fitness (fitness_centre) 4. Sunset Hill (peak) 5. (mast) 6. (picnic_table) 7. (tower) 8. (turning_loop) 9. (motorway_junction) 10. (playground) 11. Barre3 (sports_centre) 12. (level_crossing) 13. (pitch) 14. (slipway) 15. Colorado Street Rapids (water_park) 16. (chimney) 17. (mini_roundabout)
Hotel in social media

1. Re @ReadyFighter0ne Trail of Tears 2.0 in the USA or it will never be worth being a part of ever again. Source

2. When it comes to options for USA at 10 over next few years.

Is it likely they will make big effort to persuade Ospreys Jack Walsh? (Eagles would be his easiest route to playing RWC).

Or persuade mid 30s MacGinty to keep leading the team?

Any other new prospects coming through? Source