The Orr House

Holiday home
Sylva, 28779, USA
Holiday home The Orr House
Hotel in social media

1. Re @AngryExile @ashlarblocks @LadyC_78 @catedempsey @_Farmergeddon @SqueakySays @thatkittenlady @Xenosmilus4 @BillynCharlie @Kungfuponder @1nilk2rulethem @dungeekin @allyc375 @ExileGhostly @nycdeb @AnOldWombat @ClaireWestbro14 @Jeremy_Starship @SamVimes6 @salnicko68 @_HelenDale @ContraryMar_i @birdy_jazz @hselftax @SteveBarrettM95 @SpokeyWheeler @mattsquair @IrockyIan @travellingbrief @coluanaigh @Graeme_Orr @missbossyboots @Museums4all @Bouteacca @byzantinologue @BewareTheStars @GardenerMinOne @exxcee1 @sauron_one @TenaciousCEEE @Therese56143133 @Bildge3 @Dr_Quackenbusch @ShanghaiHannah @DavidLeyonhjelm All stores in the USA have closed and Amazon Prime delivers everything. If we miss one day delivery the Amazon driver stops by the house to see if my wife is OK. Source

2. Trump slams 35 House Republicans who voted in favor of Jan. 6 commission
From CNN's Gabby Orr . we do not give a damn to what Trump thinks. Each of the @GOP have to ask in the mirror who they are. 1 weaklings, Liars, Racists or 2. Honest, Accountable, Transparent, For USA FIRST! Source