Sunny Seaside

Holiday home
Monterey, 93955, USA
Holiday home Sunny Seaside
1. (park) 2. Patullo Pool (swimming_pool) 3. (motorway_junction) 4. (picnic_table) 5. (pitch) 6. (flagpole) 7. (storage_tank) 8. (surveillance) 9. First City Barbell (sports_centre) 10. (playground) 11. Caltrans Monterey Maintenance Station (industrial) 12. Navy Gateway Inns & Suites - Monterey (resort) 13. Ingersol Family Statue (monument) 14. (tower)
Hotel in social media

1. ???????? Sunny Expectations For A Summer Tourism Revival

▫Labour shortage, housing crunch loom, but hope is high for seaside businesses

@BostonGlobe #frontpagestoday #USA

2. Re @stewart9395 We have had a crap summer here in the Northeast USA. Either blistering heat or pouring rain and nothing in between. Actually sunny today for a change. This weekend the beaches are free -you know they are in trouble when they need to draw people to the seaside! Source