Palmver Home

3619 Dunn Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90034, USA
Homestay Palmver Home
1. (utility_pole) 2. (subway_entrance) 3. Palms (station) 4. (switch) 5. (motorway_junction) 6. DogTown Crossfit (fitness_centre) 7. (picnic_table) 8. (sports_centre) 9. (level_crossing) 10. (surveillance) 11. (outdoor_seating) 12. Crash Space (hackerspace) 13. Gypsy Camp Dance Studio (dance) 14. Hal Roach Studios (memorial) 15. (mast) 16. (manhole) 17. Beverly Wood Swim School (commercial) 18. (petroleum_well) 19. Baldwin Hills (peak) 20. KDLD-FM 103.1 (tower)
Hotel in social media

1. Re @KatrinaPanova @kitkatrinka Rush —- “The environmental movement is the new home of socialism.” 30 years ago and he’s damn right. Source

2. Re @Palmer_IMet_lab @AaronParnas Did I stay home with my new born son? No.I had to provide, food, rent bills, so, please, give me a break. A USA minister has a duty to work/protect its people. If he couldn’t, he had to choose! Can you imagine if every minister congressmen, senators will be taking 3months off? Source