IT Building

Calle 44 entre 1era y 5ta Avenida IT Building, 77720 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Apartments IT Building
1. Alamo Sakahua (monument) 2. Unidad Deportiva Ing. Mario Villanueva Madrid (stadium) 3. (turning_loop) 4. Muscle Beach Gimmasio (fitness_centre) 5. Monumento Luis Donaldo Colosio (memorial) 6. (motorway_junction) 7. Estacion Ruta malla II S.A. DE C.V. (park) 8. (water_well) 9. Colectivo pick up (bus_stop) 10. (mast) 11. (bandstand) 12. Estacion Naval Playa Del Carmen (military) 13. Campo Caballeros Football (pitch) 14. (sauna) 15. (playground) 16. SAYAB Planetario de Playa del Carmen (observatory) 17. (fitness_station) 18. (antenna) 19. (track)
Hotel in social media

1. It’s That Time Again When We Invade #Cancun • Next Week I’m Live @mochafestcancun & You Know When We Step In The Building Its Movie Time. #PartyWithDjLBully & The @mochafest Team. @ Cancun, Mexico Source

2. Re @MarshaBlackburn Not only is Biden building that wall, but unlike the ever useless former guy, he’s gotten Mexico to pay for it. Source