Sunset Room

Bed and breakfast
Gran via km 9.8 Provincia de Murcia, 30380 La Manga del Mar Menor, Spain
Bed and breakfast Sunset Room
1. Dominique (bus_stop) 2. (give_way) 3. (water_tap) 4. (turning_loop) 5. (yes) 6. (mini_roundabout) 7. Isla Mayor (survey_point) 8. Control del Puente del Estacio (tower) 9. Faro del Estacio (lighthouse) 10. Escuela de Vela Sandrina (sports_centre)
Hotel in social media

1. Re @IanJMunro1 @melody_player @TheBillaton Me too but did watch the few episode which ended in him riding off into the sunset with Maggie. I like to think of him running a bar/club in spain with a little back room for extra activities. Source

2. Literally gonna spend my last evening on holiday in Spain sitting naked in front of my hotel room window watching the sunset over the beach! Source