Blue Sky Studio

Calle Juan de Austria, 35660 Corralejo, Spain
Apartment Blue Sky Studio
Hotel in social media

1. This sucks, and it was the fear when Disney acquired Fox. Blue Sky made some great movies (Ice Age, Rio, The Peanuts Movie, Ferdinand). The studio put so much care into bringing places like Rio and Spain to animated life. Just some real sad news. Source

2. Re @AnahitaAredvi @Rasputinish @IrishStockPhoto @IDFsoldiergirl @Spinozasrose @AdouhHassan @StoliMark @Miri20529266 @apgnan01 @robursylvestris @UriyaIsrael @BibiIsaTwat @spain_1957 @TrueMythocracy @_AntiZionist @column_lady @YourFriendZippy @HebMacMan @Saffiya18458962 @BoomTown85 @ChaimS_GD @makinghappyme @HiltbrunnerMarc @AlanShug65 @DohanyJulian @CorbynOutriders @bellewriter @DavidLinney4 @plopington1 @Think_Blue_Sky @IMBsp @stolensermons @hangolem @zionistlioness @docholliday241 @StevenJDenton @johnmcdonnellMP @LabLeftVoice @UKLabour @netanyahu @TorahJews 1. Looks like you have no prob. with my Ancestry DNA results of 100% Ashk.

2. GEDmatch is bad to you, but also DNA Genics Admixture Studio? Got a better site for me to run my results?

3. @JoshMarks78 care to share your 100% Ashk. charts for those interested? Source