Nice House in the country

Holiday home
El Acebuchal Frigiliana, Málaga, 29788 Frigiliana, Spain
Holiday home Nice House in the country
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1. Re @TinaMurnotbot @steveohrourke I know people who barely work and just got a brand new 4 bed house + €8k to decorate. They have a BMW and just back from a holiday in Spain. That’s a fairly nice benefit for people who don’t work. I think we just need to agree to that the country is messed. Regardless of class. Source

2. Re @AlexHa1757 @SkyNews @vcrosby1974 @AlexHa1757I @granpetitindi If you don’t feel that the UK’s departure from the EU represents success and freedom, and you laugh at this country, then you sadly are part of the UK’s problem….there are some nice houses in France & Spain worth considering? Source