La Florida

Calle Reina Sofía 16, 35510 Puerto del Carmen, Spain
Apartment La Florida
1. Costa Volcán (bus_stop) 2. Natural Elements (fitness_centre) 3. (playground) 4. (mini_roundabout) 5. paracraft lanzerote (sports_centre) 6. Puerto del Carmen (harbour) 7. (give_way) 8. La Peña del Dice (beach) 9. (turning_loop) 10. (tower) 11. San Antonio (survey_point) 12. (park) 13. (fitness_station) 14. (stone) 15. (crane) 16. (flagpole) 17. (slipway) 18. (surveillance)
Hotel in social media

1. Re @GovRonDeSantis Spanish Florida was the first major European land claim and attempted settlement in North America during the European Age of Discovery. La Florida formed part of the Captaincy Cuba, the Viceroyalty of Spain, and the Spanish Empire during Spanish colonization of Americas!! Source

2. Re @tribelaw Senor Professor La Tribe DeSantis of Florida thinks he is the Franco Emperor of Spain what a grandiose psychotic delusionist like his Machismo Pal Drump Trump who will soon go to the Slammer in UK he would by now USA ???????? is too nice to his $$$ Source